Sunday, February 5, 2012

67. Captain George Paley: "But we got the gun."

H.W. Nevinson wrote of the return of the Rifle Brigade men. “It was sad to see the stretchers coming home this morning. Meeting a covered dhoolie, I asked the bearers who was in it. ‘Captain Paley’, they said, and put him down for water. He had been reported missing. I gave him water. He recognised me at once and was conscious, but his singularly blue eyes looked out of a deadly yellow and bloodless face, and his hands seemed to have the touch of death on them. When I said I was sorry, he answered, “But we got the gun.”

Slides from a presentation by Robin Smith to a meeting of the South African Military History Society, Durban in 2010.

"But we got the gun" is the title of a book by Robin Smith about the raid by the 2nd Battalion, The Rifle Brigade on Surprise Hill on the night of 10/11th December 1899. Copies on CD available from the author.