Sunday, February 5, 2012

27. George Willis

The refugees had exchanged their homes and property for the doubtful safety and protection of Ladysmith and felt bitter resentment towards the authorities as a result. The owner of the land on which Bulwana was situated was a man called George Willis, the mayor Ladysmith in 1899. From his dugout in the bank of the Klip River, where he and his large family were now lodged, he could plainly see Bulwana and the Boer guns on its flat summit. In early December he approached White’s staff and strongly advocated a raid to silence the Long Tom on the hill. White’s
response could only have been negative. A few nights later a letter appeared in the town accusing General White of cowardice. Willis was not to know that in fact plans were being made to attack certain of the Boer gun positions.